June 28, 2024

The 4 Biggest Myths Affecting Cybersecurity

The 4 Biggest Myths Affecting Cybersecurity

Overcome common misconceptions in the realm of cybersecurity

The first step to a better cybersecurity strategy starts with debunking some of its biggest myths. A working cybersecurity strategy doesn’t need to come with a lot of bells and whistles or cost your entire annual budget, but it does need to be driven by strategy with an ongoing implementation plan. Let’s go through some common misconceptions that we’ve heard in the field and set the record straight.

Myth 1: “I need the most expensive solution on the market to ensure that my business’ data is safe.”

Fact: Just because a solution is expensive doesn’t mean it’s effective.

Many suffer from the misconception that if a cybersecurity solution is top-of-the-line, it will be the most effective. But the reality is that cybersecurity demands a multifaceted approach to fit the intricacies of your business’ infrastructure — you need to understand the threat landscape and its unique risks to your organization. Start with an assessment of current systems (software, hardware/cloud infrastructure, and data), check for vulnerabilities, align solutions to the existing systems, keep up with upcoming regulations, and make sure everything runs smoothly.

Myth 2: “Technology can outsmart any attack.”

Fact: Technology is only part of an effective cybersecurity strategy.

Many advanced solutions can weed out threats on the back end, but entire companies can be taken down by staff, either by accident or on purpose. In fact, 90% of data breaches are caused by human error. Some insider cyberattacks include:

  • Phishing emails — Hackers use harmless-looking emails as a front to steal employee data, or to spread viruses.
  • Third-party credential theft — Password managers and other cookie-driven apps acting as an open door to hackers looking for master passwords.
  • The insider threat — Unhappy employees looking to profit from selling proprietary company information.

Security awareness training programs are another crucial part of an effective cybersecurity strategy.

Myth 3: “I only need one solution for all of my data.”

Fact: All data is not created equal — prioritization is key.

A common misconception in cybersecurity is that a blanket solution will match all cybersecurity needs — but there is no silver bullet. The value of different kinds of data demands that each type be treated differently. For example, healthcare data, phone numbers, proprietary information, and financial info are more valuable and demand more protection than data that are in the public domain. Different data requires different prioritization, a factor that should be included in your cybersecurity strategy.

Myth 4: “I bought a cybersecurity solution — I’m done!”

Fact: Effective cybersecurity over time requires governance, governance, governance.

Successful cybersecurity programs and strategies are only as successful as their implementation. Cybersecurity isn’t rocket science but requires hard work and diligence to institute an effective program over time. Governance holds the business accountable for overseeing vulnerabilities and acting quickly so threats are eliminated fast. It’s an outline of procedures and accountability to ensure that the business is doing everything to eliminate risk from all attack vectors, leaving no stone unturned.

Curious what else your cybersecurity strategy is missing? Framework is happy to help.

Our technology-agnostic team finds the best, most cost-effective solution for your budget, and gives you a comprehensive strategy to fight cyberattacks head-on. Talk to experts with decades of experience for your tailor-made strategy — contact Framework today.

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