
Incident Response Training

How prepared is your organization to respond to a cyber incident? How resilient is it against Ransomware that could impact safety and operations? Regularly conducted incident response tabletop exercises customized to your organization are part of a mature Security Program. Framework Security works with you to build an Incident Response plan then trains your staff, board, and C-Suite on many different scenarios and how they should respond both individually and as a team.

Get Started


Avoid costly and damaging cybersecurity incidents by training your team in incident response.
Get expert-led training that covers all aspects of incident response.
Train your team quickly and easily online, on-demand.
Benefit from a flexible training schedule that fits your needs.


How this will improve your cybersecurity posture

Avoid costly and damaging cybersecurity incidents by training your team in incident response.
Get expert-led training that covers all aspects of incident response.
Train your team quickly and easily online, on-demand.
Benefit from a flexible training schedule that fits your needs.

It's no secret that cybersecurity incidents are on the rise and with the increasing sophistication of attacks, it's only a matter of time before every organization is targeted.

That's why it's so important to have a well-trained incident response team in place. Unfortunately, many organizations don't invest in incident response training until after they've already been attacked. By then, it's too late.Framework Security understands the importance of being prepared for a cyber attack. We offer comprehensive incident response training that covers everything from identifying an attack to mitigating its impact. We also customize our training to fit the unique needs of