Risk and Compliance

CIS 18 Assessments

What is a CIS 18 Cybersecurity Assessment?

The CIS 18 cybersecurity assessment is a thorough evaluation of an organization's cybersecurity posture. This comprehensive assessment includes a review of cybersecurity policies, procedures, and a detailed risk assessment. It helps organizations identify vulnerabilities and develop effective risk mitigation plans.

Get Started


Comprehensive Risk Evaluation: Gain a thorough understanding of your cybersecurity strengths and weaknesses with a detailed gap analysis.
Policy and Procedure Enhancement: Align your cybersecurity practices with industry standards and best practices through regular assessments.
Proactive Vulnerability Identification: Detect and address potential security gaps before they can be exploited.
Regulatory Compliance Assurance: Demonstrate adherence to regulatory requirements and protect your digital assets effectively.


How this will improve your cybersecurity posture

Comprehensive Risk Evaluation: Gain a thorough understanding of your cybersecurity strengths and weaknesses with a detailed gap analysis.
Policy and Procedure Enhancement: Align your cybersecurity practices with industry standards and best practices through regular assessments.
Proactive Vulnerability Identification: Detect and address potential security gaps before they can be exploited.
Regulatory Compliance Assurance: Demonstrate adherence to regulatory requirements and protect your digital assets effectively.

The CIS 18 cybersecurity assessment is a powerful tool for evaluating an organization's cybersecurity posture.

This assessment provides a comprehensive review of an organization's policies and procedures, as well as a risk assessment. The CIS 18 can help organizations identify vulnerabilities and create a plan to mitigate risks. This assessment is essential for anyone serious about protecting their digital assets and ensuring the security of their data.