June 28, 2024

The Benefits of Hiring a Virtual CISO for Your Organization

The Benefits of Hiring a Virtual CISO for Your Organization

Why hire a Virtual CISO?

In today's digital age, cybersecurity is a top concern for organizations across all industries. Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and organizations must remain vigilant to protect their sensitive data. However, many organizations do not have the resources to hire a full-time Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). This is where a fractional or “Virtual” CISO can provide value. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of hiring a Virtual CISO for your organization.

What is a Fractional or Virtual CISO (vCISO)?

A fractional/virtual CISO is a senior cybersecurity professional who works part-time for an organization. vCISOs have extensive experience in cybersecurity and can provide strategic guidance to organizations to help them navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape. vCISOs can work remotely or on-site and can be engaged on a short-term or long-term basis.

Benefits of Hiring a vCISO

Cost Savings

Hiring a full-time CISO can be expensive, especially for small and mid-sized organizations. A fractional CISO can provide the same level of expertise and strategic guidance as a full-time CISO at a fraction of the cost. Fractional CISOs are typically engaged on a part-time basis, which means that organizations only pay for the time they need.


Virtual CISOs are highly experienced cybersecurity professionals who have worked with multiple organizations across industries. They have deep knowledge of the cybersecurity landscape and can provide strategic guidance on cybersecurity risks, compliance requirements, and best practices. vCISOs can help organizations develop and implement cybersecurity strategies that align with their business goals.


Virtual CISOs offer flexibility to organizations. They can be engaged on a short-term or long-term basis and typically work remotely or “virtually” allowing for greatest flexibility. vCISOs can provide strategic guidance on a specific project or can be engaged to provide ongoing support to an organization's cybersecurity program.


Virtual CISOs are objective cybersecurity professionals who can provide an unbiased assessment of an organization's cybersecurity posture. They can identify gaps and weaknesses in an organization's cybersecurity program and provide recommendations for improvement. vCISOs can help organizations prioritize their cybersecurity investments based on their risk profile and business goals.

Access to Resources

vCISOs have access to a network of cybersecurity professionals and resources that can help organizations address their cybersecurity challenges. They can leverage their network to provide additional support to organizations, such as incident response or technical testing services.


Hiring a fractional CISO can provide significant benefits to organizations that do not have the resources to hire a full-time CISO. Virtual CISOs can provide the same level of expertise and strategic guidance as a full-time CISO at a fraction of the cost. They offer flexibility, objectivity, and access to resources that can help organizations navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape. By engaging a vCISO, organizations can enhance their cybersecurity posture, protect their sensitive data, and achieve their business goals. Framework Security was recently awarded  ‘vCISO Solution of the Year’ in the 2023 Cybersecurity Excellence Awards. If you’d like to learn more about this service offering, please contact us

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